Pharmacy Innovations and Partnerships at the University of Michigan is dedicated to integrating clinical pharmacy practice into ambulatory care teams through the development of innovative programs and community partnerships.

“Most of the patients who are driving costs in the health care system have multiple medical problems and take multiple medications. The complexity of these patients requires a team. I see the pharmacist as having a key role in trying to improve the health of the patients we serve.”
– David A. Spahlinger, MD, Executive Director of the University of Michigan Medical Group, President of the University of Michigan Clinical Enterprise and Executive Officer of the POM ACO.

Increasing the role of clinical pharmacists

In recent years, clinical pharmacists have stimulated great interest from key stakeholders as an integral member of the patient care team in the ambulatory care setting. Given the complexity of medication regimens and potential adverse events, having health professionals, such as clinical pharmacists, reviewing all medications (prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins, and supplements) to ensure efficacy, safety and cost-effective therapy as standard of care, patients needing better disease control, ongoing medication management, and adherence counseling will be identified more efficiently.

Providing customized solutions

Optimal medication use is a critical factor in producing positive outcomes in chronic conditions, yet only about 50 percent of patients take their medications as prescribed. Clinical pharmacists have extensive knowledge and experience in identifying medication adherence barriers and providing customized solutions. Clinical pharmacists’ involvement in primary care teams has shown to significantly improve medication adherence. One of the major barriers to optimal medication use and adherence is medication cost. Working closely with physicians and patients, clinical pharmacists that understand the complexity of medication use can assess treatment burden vs. needs and devise affordable therapeutic plans.